Well This seems to be working rather well. Much better than the counter incident...

Ancient History - 07/15/00 21:18:59
My Email:anhis@juno.com
RPG's played: SR, ED, AD&D
How did you get here?: ED ring
Favorite RPG: ED

Nice page. Good stuff.

shawn miller - 02/13/00 21:26:30
RPG's played: Shadowrun
How did you get here?: searched out shadow run and found the wolverine site and was curious
Favorite RPG: shadowrun

Site looks good

Thom Vinson - 01/20/00 05:06:24
My Email:thomvinson@interisland.net
RPG's played: D&D, MechWarrior & too many others
How did you get here?: From you email link.
Favorite RPG: D&D, MechWarrior

Nice site. Followed the link from your email to get here. You've done a lot of work. . .

Animated gifs, backgrounds and more... - 08/25/99 05:46:38
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Cafe/4690
My Email:anime@aol.com

Good work, congratulations....

Ocasiões - Telemensagens - 08/20/99 07:48:47
My URL:http://ocasioes.webjump.com
My Email:pneves@geocities.com


Brazilian ring - 08/14/99 23:27:34
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TheTropics/Paradise/4079/
My Email:brazilring@geocities.com


Brazilian's Ring Join AllAdvantage.com

Hollowpoint - 07/23/99 06:45:36
My Email:blaktiger19@hotmail.com
RPG's played: S.r D&D earthdawn cyberpunk palidiam
How did you get here?: S.R. webring
Favorite RPG: S.R.


lukasz dziedziel - 06/10/99 14:06:16
My Email:blizzard@war-net.hm.pl
RPG's played: earthdawn
Favorite RPG: earthdawn


Juggernaut - 05/10/99 21:42:30
My Email:Juggernaut_3@hotmail.com
RPG's played: shadowrun
Favorite RPG: shadowrun

shadowrun was the only game I've played. I liked it so much that I didnt bother with the others.

Greg Coyle - 04/21/99 01:37:58
My Email:MGCoyle@hotmail.com
RPG's played: You know
How did you get here?: You sent me
Favorite RPG: ShadowRun

I Kept getting errors, but not bad... I'll try again later and let you know...

Greg Coyle - 04/21/99 01:34:40
My Email:MGCoyle @hotmail.com
RPG's played: I think you Know
How did you get here?: You sent me
Favorite RPG: ShadowRun


Timon - 01/03/99 23:30:41
My URL:http://www.timon.notrix.de
My Email:kammer@eure.de
RPG's played: Shadowrun, Rolemaster, Midgrad, Werewolf
How did you get here?: ??? seaching ???
Favorite RPG: at the moment SHADOWRUN

Please visit my site !!!

Time Walls - 12/16/98 06:53:24
My Email:Wal2@hotmail.com
RPG's played: RuneQuest, Starwars, Shadowrun, Chill, KULT
How did you get here?: PBEM
Favorite RPG: Starwars, and Runequest


Sydney - 12/15/98 23:59:05
RPG's played: shadowrun, Battleteck, Warzone, Ad&d, and many more
How did you get here?: The shadowrun Webring
Favorite RPG: Shadowrun for now

The page is sweet. keep up the good job and add more NPC's, weapons, runs, and archetypes pleese

christina - 10/22/98 00:21:39
My URL:http://www.fameflair.com.
My Email:christina.gabriel@einbeck.netsurf.de
How did you get here?: By surfing

Superb homepage. Well done!!

CyberDruid - 10/21/98 21:36:10
My URL:http://cyberdruid.home.pages.de/
RPG's played: sr
How did you get here?: ---
Favorite RPG: sr

cool page! one can hardly top it! the idea with the finger scanner is really great! cyo, tcd

10/16/98 23:22:13
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me  

Just surfing Thanks

Showtyme - 09/28/98 00:14:25
My Email:theplayazclub@hotmail.com
RPG's played: Rifts, Battletech, Shadowrun
How did you get here?: Thats classified
Favorite RPG: Shadowrun

Hoi, chummers. I've finally gotten on a guestbook that had a site I thought was cool enough to have my signature on it. Much props to the niggaz runni n this place. I'm also looking for a new crew to run with, virtual or otherwise. Need a Phys Ad nigga to kick some corporate ass? I'm your nigga. Peace out ya'll, Showtyme

kael - 08/17/98 03:15:01
My Email:kaelixisis@yahoo.com
RPG's played: vampire, werewolf, CORPS
How did you get here?: looking for other players
Favorite RPG: vampire the masquarade


To'Kath - 06/19/98 07:34:04
My URL:http://members.aol.com/dougyount/sr/Shadowrun.htm
My Email:doug_y@hotmail.com
RPG's played: Shadowrun, Star Wars
How did you get here?: Saw link to page from Lady Jestyr's Guestbook
Favorite RPG: Shadowrun

Great page. Has a lot of useful stuff. I'll be sure to stop by again.

Liam Davitt - 06/18/98 14:16:01
My Email:lmdavitt@wam.umd.edu
RPG's played: Rifts, Shadowrun (1st and 2nd ed), Warhammer (both versions), Amber, Robotech, Battletech, D&D, AD&D, Vampire, Mage, Werewolf (a couple Larps but they'r not my scene)
How did you get here?: Browsing for Shadowrun drek
Favorite RPG: Shadowrun

Just lookin around chummer. Good info on your page. Sane and clear layout. Got a q' for ya. What's all the drek about 'shadowrunner' bars on other pages. Last time I ran, the biz was way illegal and there weren't any bars for runners. Not that characters don't get tanked up, but 's far as I can figure these 'bars' are for wan abes. Maybe it's because I usually reqest street-level campaigns. --L

John Newman - 05/30/98 04:05:19
My URL:http://--------------------
My Email:www.hakkerbobjhn@hotmail.com
RPG's played: Vampire the Masquerade, werewolf the apocalipse, shadowrunner, battletech
How did you get here?: Phil sent me
Favorite RPG: shadowrunner

Hoooray!!!! I made It and signed the guestbook! are you happy now!!!!! I am a RPG player and if N E 1 has ICQ log on aNd find me, I am omega!

Vox - 05/29/98 19:17:42
RPG's played: Thosands
How did you get here?: The Matrix
Favorite RPG: Shadowrun

You ever see aman who will sink so low as to drink from the hand of the devil?...... I have.

Logan Maddix - 05/10/98 04:53:15
My Email:Maddix@webtv.com
RPG's played: Shadowrun, AD&D, Rifts, Battletech, Villians & Vigilantes, TMNT
How did you get here?: Followed your link from the AIH game.
Favorite RPG: Shadowrun

Great website chummer. Maybe we can play someday.

LoneWolf - 05/09/98 08:22:51
My Email:p.ottwell@mci2000.com


Patsy - 05/08/98 22:36:31
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Labyrinth/4924/
My Email:shadowdecker@geocities.com
RPG's played: many
How did you get here?: Shadowrun Webring
Favorite RPG: Ad&d

(don't bother going to my page, there is nothing there.) I don't have much to say, except kudos for the award

Nathalie - 04/28/98 17:58:20
My URL:http://surf.to/natje
My Email:natjeg@hotmail.com
How did you get here?: another guestbook

Hi there, just surfing around and wanted to say hi from Belgium... Visit my site sometime: surf.to/natje

Patsy (no, not my real name) - 04/27/98 02:50:20
My Email:shadowrigg@aol.com
RPG's played: Shadowrun, AD&D, Star wars, Rifts, Earthdawn, Gurps, Toons, and a buch of others you've never heard of....
How did you get here?: Webring
Favorite RPG: AD&D

Nice additions ((NOTE: This comes after the 4/24/98 revision)) Like the stories. Keep up the good work, and pull of another of your editorials sometime.

Brian - 04/22/98 00:22:28
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Alley/3954
My Email:ronin@one.net
RPG's played: SR, AD&D, Battletech, Star Fleet Battles, Dark Conspiracy, Twilight 2000, GURPS
How did you get here?: Responded to E-Mail
Favorite RPG: Shadowrun

Good looking Page. Sollid content. Quick Loading. And in general, it's the dreck chummer.

Doug Noel - 04/18/98 19:52:47
My URL:https://members.tripod.com/~dougsworld/
My Email:75264.1606@compuserve.com
RPG's played: Oh, well....D&D, AD&D, Shadowrun, Robotech, Rifts, TMNT (various other Palladium games), The Babylon Project (hate the mechanics), and a few m de up things people have tried. I've probably played some more, oh yeah, Battletech, but I can't remember at the moment...
How did you get here?: Followed a mysterious link from my page. (Which incidently, I had to fix. :)
Favorite RPG: Um...at the moment? I dunno...I'm running SR and AD&D, so I'm sort've flipping between the two. :)

Well, lessee...I take it you signed my guestbook off of my SR page, which in my opinion is a POS. That would explain the...Okay...you wrote. Liked your "Delivery" story. Been there. :) Can't think of anything else to say, so there it is... I wonder f HTML works in this thing... Here's my SR page, and my main Roleplaying page. A never shameless advertising neve hurt anyone. :) Doug :)

Dan "I'm gonna FRAG YO ASSS" Baldwin - 04/08/98 18:11:36
My URL:http://www.your.dog/and/you/suck.goats
My Email:You_know_where_my_email_is@you.chihuaha.licker
RPG's played: Worlds of Wonder..check it out
How did you get here?: I stuck my head up my ass and found this
Favorite RPG: K.P.iI.W (Kill Phil in Interesting Ways) oh yea, and Changeling The Dreaming

THERE, I Signed your fricking fragging guestbook!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I like your shadowrun characters though, mind if I steal a few? I'm thinking about exposing my group in Reno here to Shadowrun, Dan Style. I took two minutes out to sign your guestbook and you better like it.

Wolverine - 03/31/98 04:35:23
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Battlefield/2777/Wolverine.html
My Email:wolverine@cheerful.com
RPG's played: Shadowrun, Earthdawn, Battletech, Aliens, The Entire World of Darkness product line, Paranoia, Torg, Star Wars, Rifts, Robotech, Macross II and prob bly a couple more I'm forgetting
How did you get here?: I OWN THE PAGE!
Favorite RPG: Shadowrun, definetly Shadowrun...Well for the moment anyway...

HeHeHe. Yep it works.

My Home Page